Coming Soon


Planning has commenced on Orana's next major project - a New Zealand native centre to further extend our work with native fauna.

Orana's key conservation successes have been breeding whio/blue duck and pāteke/brown teal for release to the wild and of course, breeding kiwi. Over the past two breeding seasons, Orana has been one of the top contributors (across New Zealand) to the captive component of the brown kiwi programme with regards to chicks produced. Orana has provided chicks for many other New Zealand facilities and supplemented wild release sites, thanks to the efforts of our highly specialised team.

We are absolutely committed to doing more therefore a new modern complex will be designed to ensure that Orana has the capacity to make a wider contribution to native conservation efforts. Some of the features of the centre will be a state-of-the-art incubation and brooding facility to increase our ability to rear chicks and ducklings.


As a charitable trust, Orana raises 100% of the funds for new developments.